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A Practical Guide to HIV Drug Treatment for People Living with HIV

A Practical Guide to HIV Drug Treatments - readable


A Practical Guide to HIV Drug Treatments - printable


Published by the Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE) in 2010, this guide provides a comprehensive look at treating HIV with anti-HIV drugs, also called antiretroviral therapy. After explaining how HIV damages the immune system, the guide describes how anti-HIV drugs work. It then explores the many issues that arise when considering starting treatment, including when to start, how to choose the right combination and what to do to prepare. Finally, the guide looks at living with therapy over the long-term, from switching treatment combinations to handling long-term effects.

Ordering Instructions: A full-colour, glossy version of this booklet can be ordered free-of-charge (postage included) to Canadian addresses by going to the website for the CATIE Ordering Centre.

Mailing Instructions: When sending the full-colour version, remove the the staples before sending.

Printing Instructions: If unable to order, print to landscape 11 x 17, this helps it last longer and stay together while being passed around inside prisons.

For more information on the group who put out this resource, or to check for the most up-to-date version, check out their website.