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Hepatitis C Pamphlets

Hep C - The Basic Facts - printable


Hep C - Newly Diagnosed - printable


Hep C - Treatment Information - printable


Published by the Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE) in 2012 this series of pamphlets provides information on Hep C. The series includes:

  1. Basic Facts โ€“ the basics on hepatitis C and the liver, transmission and testing. Key messages on hepatitis C prevention are highlighted throughout the resource.
  2. Newly Diagnosed โ€“ a starting point for people who are newly diagnosed with hepatitis C. It provides information on hepatitis C, ways to stay healthy, common monitoring tests and positive prevention.
  3. Treatment Information โ€“ designed for people living with or affected by hepatitis C and gives information on hepatitis C treatment, factors to consider before starting treatment and managing treatment side effects

Ordering Instructions: A full-colour, glossy version of these pamphlets can be ordered free-of-charge (postage included) to Canadian addresses by going to the website for the CATIE Ordering Centre.

Printing Instructions: If unable to order, print to landscape 8 1/2 x 11.

For more information on the group who put out this resource, or to check for the most up-to-date version, check out their website.