The Prisoner Justice Project at SRLP supports low income transgender people and transgender people of color involuntarily held in prison and jail obtain life-sustaining services. The Project provides direct legal services to improve conditions of confinement and decrease the number of individuals held in prison and jail as well as providing systemic advocacy and education sharing to incarcerated individuals and support to attorneys, advocates, and loved ones on the outside. The Prisoner Justice Project offers direct legal services to people in New York City jails and in New York State prisons. Due to their small size they are unable to offer assistance to people in jails outside of New York City or in federal prisons in New York State.
Printing Instructions: Print to landscape 8 1/2 x 11, this helps it last longer and stay together while being passed around inside prisons.
For more information on the group who put out this resource, or to check for the most up-to-date version, check out their website.