Showing 1–12 of 136 results
Welcome to the Resource Library of the Prisoner Correspondence Project. We know that prison functions by limiting access to not just people but information.
We encourage you to print out and send your penpals any that they request, though it’s a good idea to first find out what the mailing restrictions are for their particular prison. And make sure to read the Printing and Mailing information for each resource before sending. The most recent listing can be found here.
These resources come from a variety of public health and community organizations. Several resources aren’t under a creative commons license, or their creators sell them to make a living. We want to make these available to our membership but not the whole internet, so if you have a penpal through the project, get in touch and we will send the passwords.
Lastly, if you have any questions or comments about the collection, don’t hesitate to get in contact.
Uncategorized (1)
Coming Out / Identity (12)
Drug Use (2)
Emotional Care (12)
History (4)
Hormones (6)
Legal Information (3)
Limited Access (12)
Living with HIV / HepC (16)
Newsletters (19)
Our Events (2)
Queer & Trans Prisoner Writing (11)
Resource Lists (8)
Safer Sex (12)
Smut (15)
Spanish (10)
Spirituality (4)
Tattooing (2)
Women and Feminism (5)
Writing on HIV/AIDS (10)